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Guided Meditation & Energy Healing for Those in Service
Are you a time-starved love warrior who has been thrust back into our hurried world?


Virtual Community Sundays for 3 Weeks
9/19, 9/26, and 10/3 – $45
5:00 – 5:30 PM PT



This quick, short burst of three sessions is for all who are in service to their communities who are:


Walking a spiritual path or a path of compassion and love


Intending to show up each day to be a light or force of love as you contribute at work and beyond


Interested in receiving guided meditation and energy healing to support the week ahead



You may currently be expressing yourself as:

  • A Business Owner

  • Teacher

  • Counselor

  • Parent or Caregiver

  • Healthcare Provider

  • Healer or Lightworker

  • ...And the list goes on...


You will be met with love as we recenter and recharge for the week ahead with guided meditation and energy healing. Expect to be uplifted and opened to conscious awakening!


If you would like to register but are unsure if you qualify, please accept the invitation to join with a warm welcome. For questions, please email me at


*** Note, if you are interested in a longer guided meditation class with more sessions, a new group will begin soon. This is particularly for those who may feel time-starved and benefit from the 30 minute, shorter duration. 


No previous meditation experience required or expected. Sessions will be held on Zoom. Video will be available but is not required. Come as you are and enjoy time set aside for you as you recenter, renew, and set your intentions for the week! Zoom details provided once registered via email provided during sign-up. Looking forward to connecting with you soon!

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